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Our School Uniform
We are very proud of our school uniform and we believe it helps the children to identify with the school community. The Governors appreciate your continued support in sending your child to school in the uniform detailed below
School uniform shoes should be black. They should be ‘proper’ shoes ie shoes that can be polished.
Only low-heeled shoes should be worn at school. Trainers, boots and ballet style slip-ons should not be worn.
In winter outdoor PE lessons will take place unless there is heavy rain, thunder or lightning or the surface is deemed to be too slippery to be safe. Children can wear black jogging bottoms (but not leggings), for outdoor games lessons.
For hygiene and safety, we insist that children change into suitable trainers for games lessons. Football boots are advisable for football, rugby and hockey where it takes place on the school field. Shinpads can be worn for football.
Our school uniform is available via ‘Kids Connection’ Unit 1A Great Northern Works, Hartham Lane, Hertford SG14 1QW. Please contact Anne Macdonald on 01992 587466. A price list and order form is available at the school reception.
The school have a selection of pre-loved uniform available from the school office. Please ask Mrs Wareham for further details.