For all safeguarding concerns out of school hours please call 0300 123 4043
Headteacher: Mrs Hannah Orton (Designated Senior for Child Protection)
Deputy Headteacher: Mrs Claire Murphy (Deputy Designated Senior for Child Protection)
SENCo: Mrs Stef Todd (Senior Leadership Team & Designated Senior for Child Protection)
Assistant Senco: Mrs Helen Godfrey
Chair of Governors: Mrs Linda Butterfield
Business Manager: Mrs Joanne Scripps
School Secretary: Mrs Judy Wareham
Resources Manager: Mrs Tracey Hawkins
Site Manager: Mr Steve Reed
3F: Miss Alex Fisher
3H: Miss Emily Haywood
4C: Miss Kerry Charlwood
4H: Mr Chris Hart
5M: Miss Joanne Moore
5R: Mr Paul Rogers (Senior Leadership Team and Deputy Designated Senior for Child Protection)
6K: Mr Andrew Klippel
6M: Mrs Claire Murphy (Deputy Headteacher)
Cover Teachers: Mrs Emma Norris and Mr Nicholas Corden
Specialist Ukulele Teacher: Mr Nicholas Corden
Specialist Art and DT Teacher: Mrs Claire Shropshire
Teaching Assistants:
Mrs Tracy Hinton
Miss Amy Ratcliffe
Mrs Claire Shropshire
Mrs Charlotte Lay
Mrs Karen Tutin
Mrs Emma Norris
Mrs Laura Davison
Miss Katie Reed
Mrs Lynne Bassom
Ms Natalie Hornsey
Miss Nicola King
Mrs Kirsty Corker
Mrs Jo Bushnell
Midday Supervisory Assistants
Mrs Lynne Bassom
Ms Natalie Hornsey
Mrs Maria Nichola
Miss Katie Reed
Mrs Laura Davison
Mrs Tracy Hinton
Mrs Charlotte Lay
Miss Amy Ratcliffe
Miss Nicola King
Mrs Jo Bushnell
Mrs Lisa Barnaby
Mrs Hayley Norwood
Mrs Nicky Furze
Mrs Emma Collison
Mrs Sharon Sayers
Mrs Emma Collison
Mrs Christine Pritchard
Caterlink Staff
Mrs Claire Sharman
Miss Alyssa Evans
Mrs Debbie Jennings