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At St Mary’s, we believe every child is a writer. We are dedicated to fostering their knowledge, motivation, and confidence in writing. We have selected HFL Education’s ESSENTIALWRITING as the foundation of our writing curriculum. This ambitious and progressive scheme equips our children with the tools and opportunities to write for various purposes and authentic audiences. Consequently, our students are inspired to produce high-quality work in the classroom and possess the confidence and strategies to write in their everyday lives. Please see document below for further details.
Spelling is taught through dedicated lessons and integrated across the curriculum. We adopt a systematic, consistent approach, using the Spelling Shed scheme to support staff in planning for and implementing spelling progression consistently. Class teachers monitor progress in common exception words and statutory word lists throughout the year. Key topic and English vocabulary is provided through word banks, and children are expected to use these terms correctly. Spellings are also addressed as needed in specific lessons. The progression for Essential Spelling is outlined below.
Grammar is taught as part of our English curriculum in line with the national curriculum and year group expectations. In addition children revisit and consolidate concepts through short 'Early Morning Work' activities. We use the Spelling Shed progression documents to ensure coverage and consistency. Please see document below for more details.