For all safeguarding concerns out of school hours please call 0300 123 4043
Please click on the link to find out more about our internet safety curriculum and how you can go on a virtual adventure with your children to share in their online safety journey.
Links for parental information regarding E-safety.
The internet is an essential part of life in the 21st century. As children grow their access to a varied selection of different types of technology increases and their curiosity, exploration and desire to know increases too. The adults in children's lives have an important job to guide children through the forest of the digital world, to ensure they can manage their experiences and access the positives of being connected, all the while learning how to be protected from the negatives.
The following guides have been provided by National Online Safety and are useful guides to help us all in our aim to keep children safe online. Please contact Mrs Reynolds (online safety lead) if you have any queries or concerns.