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St Mary’s Church of England Junior School

Enjoying our learning together with love, respect and friendship


For all safeguarding concerns out of school hours please call 0300 123 4043


Art - Autumn term - Roman bust sculptures

Art - Autumn term - Harvest still-life

Art - Autumn term - Exploring with chalk and charcoal

Art - Autumn term - creating our colour wheels

Visit to the Fitzwilliam and Sedgewick Museums in Cambridge

D.T - Spring term - Mechanisms, Buzz toys.

Diverse Artists Afternoon-work based on Marcus Cadman

The Y4 song to practise for the Easter service

A visit from an Electricity Workshop proved a shocking (but fun) experience!

Art - Spring term - David Hockney inspired landscape pictures

Exploring repetition in algorithms in Computing

Mrs Bushnell's visiting menagerie!

Ways of making 1000

Reading in the courtyard

Playing along to Mama Mia in music

Enjoying cakes to raise money for MacMillan

D.T Food technology - Autumn term - Introduction to the topic, Making Pasta salads.

Art - Autumn term - Harvest still-life project.

Art - Autumn term - 6 point colour wheel with tone and value.

Art - Autumn term - Welcome to Y4
