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Homework will be set on MONDAY and expected to be completed by the following MONDAY.
English and Maths Homework
The children are expected to complete, to the best of their ability, one page from each booklet. The homework pages will be specified in your child’s Google Classroom (see below for logging in instructions).
Each booklet page should take approximately 30 minutes per booklet. Please can you mark this homework with your children. To find the answers, please see the Year 6 class page on the school website. Please remember some of the learning will not yet have been covered in class yet this year, but some questions will have been covered in Year 5.
Spelling: EdShed
The children are expected to complete spelling tasks at least 5 times per week. There will be some weeks when there may be two spelling assignments set. We ask that they complete 5 in total on these occasions, and not 5 from one spelling and rule and 5 from another. The task will be indicated on the Spelling Shed website, and will also be accessible through a link in the Google Classroom.
TT Rockstars: Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (
The children are expected to undertake TT Rockstars at least 5 times per week as a guide. We are constantly reminding the children that times tables fluency is essential in aiding their progression in their maths learning, so we hope you will support us with this at home.
The children will be able to bring home a maximum of two school books: one classroom reading book and one school library book. Please support your children where you can be encouraging daily reading for at least ten minutes.
Google Classroom:
The school will post homework updates and other information from within Google Classroom. This way of working readies them for Year 7 and beyond, as many secondary schools post tasks from a designated Google Classroom. Information for how to log in to your child’s can be accessed below.