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In Year 4, home learning involves multiplication practice using the Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS) website. Regular practise of times tables up to 12x12 is essential as children are required to be secure in this by the end of Year 4. Spelling (on Spelling Shed) will be set on a Thursday and will be tested the following Thursday. Spelling practice will be in line with our weekly spelling focus. The children need to practise the lists set for each week and can challenge themselves by playing games from stage 4.
Reading should be at least 10 minutes every day, preferably with an adult who can support with encouragement, discussion and filling in the reading record. Children can read a book from the school library or a book they have at home, but this book needs to be with them in school so that they can continue during class reading times. The children will visit the school library every week where they can choose a book. They do not have to change their book every week.
Reading Records
Year 4 children have been issued with orange reading record books. Please record daily reading you do with your child. Children can also record independent reading.